members and mates of the VPC

We love making new friends! At the Vic Park Collective you can do that in two ways; become a financial member or simply follow our newsletter to stay in touch with our upcoming projects and events.
Become a member
Membership of the Association is open to all members of the Victoria Park Community, including residents, businesses, community organisations and people who work or study in the area. People who may live outside of Victoria Park but who value Victoria Park and have an interest in the area are also eligible for membership. Victoria Park is understood to mean the geographical area which falls within the municipal boundaries of the Town of Victoria Park as at 2014.
Being a financial member of the Vic Park Collective will entitle you to benefits like nominating to be a committee member and casting a vote at the AGM. A person who wishes to become a member of the Association must apply for membership via an online Membership Form and provide their name, contact details, and specify their connection to the area. A copy of the Constitution will be made available to members at the time of application, for their consideration.
What will we spend the money on you ask? Boring things mostly, like public liability insurance and printing posters. If you'd like to become a member, send an email to
Become a mate
If you’d rather just follow our progress and stay informed on what we’re up to, then you can join our newsletter. We consider this our most important way of communicating with our mates so they won’t miss out on projects and events. You can also follow us on Facebook or Instagram.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has”
- Margaret Mead, cultural anthropologist