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plastic free july

Did you know that a staggering 2.25 billion takeaway coffee cups are consumed globally every day? And plastic bags, water bottles, take-away coffee cups and straws are the most commonly used single-use plastic products?


Vic Park is said to have one of the longest café strips in Australia and the Collective’s vision is that it could also, one day, be the most sustainable.

Plastic Free July 2017

This year we wanted to challenge local businesses to adopt a plastic free challenge, specifically the single use plastic kind, allowing and encouraging local residents to bring their own containers. We chatted with local business owners about this concept and have distributed posters to illustrate how it all works.

If you are a local restaurant or cafe and would like to display our Plastic Free July challenge poster in your premises, please contact us at 

We also encourage the community to share their experiences in Vic Park with the hashtag #vicparkplasticfreejuly

During the month of July we will be highlighting the businesses in the hood most committed to help us ditch the plastic habit. Check out our blog for more info!

In Previous Years...


Inspired by Earth Carers, we replicated the Bring One Get One Tree initiative in 2014. The Town of Victoria Park pledged to plant one tree for each customer who brought a reusable coffee cup to one of 13 participating Vic Park cafes.


As a result, more than 2900 seedlings were planted at a community tree planting day at Kensington Bushland in July 2015.


The initiative showed the power of getting local government, businesses and individuals together to reduce waste and made reusable cups much more frequent visitors to our local cafes.


In addition, the Collective teamed with Give A Damn and the Vic Park Transition Network to host a calendar of events to raise awareness about how to live with less plastic. We promoted Earth Carer’s Plastic Free July initiative, encouraging locals to pledge giving up single-use plastic items during the month.


Among the events promoted were a sewing workshop to make produce bags from old curtains, a public talk by Lindsay Miles about her experience living without plastic, lessons on how to reduce household waste by composting and managing worm farms and a hands-on workshop where participants learnt how to make your own toothpaste and personal products.

© Vic Park Collective 2022. All Rights Reserved.

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