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Soup Winners : October

We may be a bit biased, but we think that Vic Park Soup is the best way to get to know worthy causes happening right here in our backyard.

Did you know, for instance, that the popular initiative to generate donations of essential items for women is based in Vic Park? Essentials for Women’s founder, Lenny Jacoby, won our October Soup event with her pitch for a brother initiative, this time aimed at men.

Basic for Blokes will be launched in mid 2018 and aims at collecting essential items for men in need. Lenny got most of the votes during our Soup night and took home $730 to help get the new campaign off the ground.

Mark Brisbane, a bright young fellow at the helm of Improve Silence, pitched for Rather Than Later, an initiative that connects artists born as part of the “millennial generation” to isolated residents within aged care. They meet, share stories, advice, skills, and the artists develop a creative reflection around the challenges and rewards of being connected to the elders in our society.

The results of the interaction will be on display at the Rather Than Later Festival, featuring poetry, monologues, envelope art, a chess based metaphorical experience and conversations about how we can foster intergenerational connections.

We also heard from Alana Fluit, a previous winner of Soup, who now is dedicating herself to starting a small-scale aquaponics garden in Vic Park to offer community workshops and teach people about gardening, composting and sustainability.

Finally, Marisa Spina – who also won Soup in the past – presented her project Grow Swap Share, based in Lathlain. Marisa has created a great little community of people wanting to share excess produced, seeds, plants or anything else related to gardening and cooking. It’s also a great way to meet your neighbours!

Even though Lenny took some cash home to kickstart her next project, all presenters benefit from the audience’s attention and interest. They help to make our neighborhood uniquely awesome, and we are more than happy to shine a light on their causes.

Vic Park Soup is a Vic Park Collective’s initiative, but we wouldn’t be able to do it without the Dutch Trading Company’s amazing support – they kindly donate the venue and the soup – and a helping hand from Vic Park Rotary, who provides bread rolls for the evening.

Organised by Gig Start IT to entertain the audience, we also have buskers such as the lovely Jay Wood, who played at the October event.

The most important part, however, is you! The audience gives $10 in return for a bowl of soup, the opportunity of voting for their preferred project, and a fun evening spent with fellow community members. Don’t miss our next Vic Park Soup event – the last one in 2017 – on November 28. Don't forget to reserve your ticket for catering purposes. See you there!

© Vic Park Collective 2022. All Rights Reserved.

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